Rev. Brauer retired from the ministry in 1976 after 40 years of service following his ordination. During retirement, he preformed part-time roles, most often conducting services and preaching for other ministers in Northern Wisconsin who were on vacation or ill. Degenerate arthritis and hip replacement slowed him somewhat, but otherwise he remained in good health until much later.
Retirement allowed for travel by he and his wife. That included trips to visit families of their sons in New York and Illinois. It led to special trips and tours to the Holy Land, Europe and the Oberammergau Passion Play, Scandinavia, and Hawaii. For a few years, they spent one or a few months in Florida as “Snow Birds” from the north.
They also spent time during several summers at properties in northern Wisconsin owned by daughter Gloria. They greatly enjoyed the house on Timber Ridge Golf Course near Minocqua, Wisconsin and participating in golf and related activities on the course.
Below are a variety of documents commemorating Rev. Brauer’s 40 years of service as a minister in The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.