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Sermon Categories & Intructions

During his ministerial career, Rev. Brauer created and delivered well over 2000 sermons. They were prepared for regular church services, for a variety of special occasions and for radio devotions. Most of the sermons are published on this website.


Sermon Categories:


Sermon text files are organized into several categories, as listed below.


1. Church Year (The historical church calendar recognizes particular events and periods)

2. Old Testament

3. New Testament

4. Special Occasions

5. Radio Devotions and Services (A few are actual voice recordings)

6. Sermons in German


Each category is further organized into sub-categories where appropriate to help website visitors identify subjects, books of the Bible or other information helpful in differentiating sermon contents. These additional data help viewers select a particular sermon for viewing.


Each sermon has a unique identifying number.


Instructions to Access a Sermon


Sermon files are published in PDF format, the universal computer format. That allows a viewer to import it to other word processor products or computer formats.


To access a sermon....

Move through the categories or sub-categories to reach a desired list of sermons.

Move the cursor over the sermon number.

Click on the sermon number. The complete sermon file will appear for viewing.

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